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Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker

Apsley House, London

Other portraits of Napoleon:

Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon at the St Bernard Pass, 1800 (Château de Versailles)

Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon in His Study, 1812 (National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC)

Antoine-Jean Gros, Bonaparte on the Bridge at Arcole, 1801 (Château de Versailles)

François Gerard, Napoleon in His Coronation Robes, 1805 (Château de Fontainebleau)

Carlo Marochetti, Model for a Monument to Napoleon, 1840-60 (The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore. (A life-size monument was unveiled at Napoleon’s resting place, the Invalides in Paris, in 1861)


About the Artist

Born: Possagno, 1 November 1757
Died: Venice, 13 October 1822
Nationality: Italian