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John Jabez Mayall

Born: Oldham, Lancashire, 17 September 1813
Died: Southwick, 6 March 1901
Nationality: English

son of John Meal, a chemical manufacturer


early career as flax spinner

1843 - first documented daguerreotypes; opened photo studio in Philadelphia

1846 - sells studio to Marcus Root and returns to England (London); establishes studio"American Daguerreotype Institution"

1851 - exhibits 72 daguerreotypes at Great (Crystal Palace) Exhibition and receives honorable mention; attracts attention of Prince Albert, a photo enthusiast

1853 - joins newly established Photographic Society; begins working in wet collodian process

1855 - photographs British royal family

1863 - official photographer of wedding of prince and princess of Wales; sets up studio in Brighton, a seaside tourist resort

1869 - rode velocipede (proto-bicycle) from London to Brighton

1871 - enters politics as town councilman

1877-78 - mayor of Brighton

1881 - pioneer of use of electric lights to illuminate portraits



New York & Philadelphia (1841-46)

Important Artworks: 

portraits of British royal family - Prince Albert